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Ok. So, blog updates, --> Those are some of the things I have been working on. Interesting? Perhaps I guess the medium of choice is turning out to be oils. I like oil well enough, and I think personally I am am learning and getting better with them, for instance, I have developed a deep hatred for linseed oils. I have a couple more ideas that I need to expand upon, I wanna do something with lungs now...and I have another painting I need to do. There still is no real set direction. Its a little late in the game to declare one as well....

Well, heres to hoping I covered what I needed to! Cheers!


Hey look a blog

So, haven't done this in awhile huh? Well, I've done a few more peices, can't say I'm 100% with them all. I really still am trying to find my style, which I know I was supposed to do that earlier, but yeah, still experimenting. HEY LOOK THE THRID PEICE->
Honestly, I'm still not even sure what direction I'm going with my concentration, where I want to take it, what I want it to say. My last peice was going to have a message to it, but then it ended up just looking cool. I have a few up and coming ideas, that I am thinking about doing digitally. I'd like to try digital painting.