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Ok so, I'm suppose to come up with a concentration. This has proven to be quite difficult. I'm at a point where I still want to try different things from every point of view, ever angle, ever style to try and find still what I like to do. Also I'm still at the point where I need and want improvement before I can start. So here are a couple of ideas that I've thought about doing.
Journeys- emphases on travel, growth. Things like dirt roads and jungle paths
Color- I could take the different colors of the rainbow, or just color I like and explore it. Like tomatos for red, water for blue, and such. It would be fun and something I would enjoy but I just feel like its been done before,
Study of anatomy- It would be fun and help my technique
Still life- Help technique, and may be able to quirk it up.

Out of these the study of anatomy and color both seem most likely right now.
I need to choose soon though....


  1. Yes! Choose soon!
    If you chose the Color idea, would you do paintings? Photographs? You will need to be sure you focus on composition as well as your subject and theme.
    If you chose Anatomy, think of a deeper connection. Will you look at the human form in a scientific way? Or will your works be more gesteral and expressive? Will you have a common or limited color scheme? What will the whoel composition look like?
    Look for some visual inspirations for both ideas. That might help you decide. The plan your first three works!

  2. You will enjoy it more if it has some meaning to you. I cant wait to see what you choose.
    Mrs. Schuster
