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Ok, so. My first piece was a bit of a disappointment for myself....but thats ok. My ideas are devolping. My idea's right now are kinda moving towards veins.....
and the heart. Which will probably bring me into more of an abstract thought pattern. I wanted to do something with ribbon? Red and blue? Or perhaps connect the veins to the branches of trees? But staying correct. And perhaps a piece with the heart vs. the brain.....I may move out of the range of study that I wanted to stay in and move into concepts.....Oh, and I wanted to do the anatomy of a smile. I need to go get the anatomy for artist book, I finally have an excuse :)
But thats the update for today.
Have some pictures.

not mine ^


So I had narrowed it down to anatomy and color. And I've started on both. In hind sight I think I should of taken more time exploring different options.
I have a couple ideas for both, still. Basically I'm choosing between mixed media and photography right now. And I wanna do both :( .
I'm probably doing anatomy just because of the time I've already devoted to it. The next piece I think I'll do will be about veins....



Ok so, I'm suppose to come up with a concentration. This has proven to be quite difficult. I'm at a point where I still want to try different things from every point of view, ever angle, ever style to try and find still what I like to do. Also I'm still at the point where I need and want improvement before I can start. So here are a couple of ideas that I've thought about doing.
Journeys- emphases on travel, growth. Things like dirt roads and jungle paths
Color- I could take the different colors of the rainbow, or just color I like and explore it. Like tomatos for red, water for blue, and such. It would be fun and something I would enjoy but I just feel like its been done before,
Study of anatomy- It would be fun and help my technique
Still life- Help technique, and may be able to quirk it up.

Out of these the study of anatomy and color both seem most likely right now.
I need to choose soon though....